Dyscalculia Test For Adults

Straight off the bat - you’re not an idiot OR stupid - in fact new science is pointing to the probability that you’re the next creative genius! If you have found ways to cope in society on your own with dyscalculia, then you’re an inspiration to us all!

We would love to hear from you and learn some of the ways you’ve learnt to cope with maths in society. Share your genius.

You can send me a short video explaining your work around to this number +61 (0) 401 394 696 with permission to post it to our social media which would be the best way to reach a wider audience…or…send me an email by clicking on the button below.

If you’re still not sure, then take this dyscalculia test for adults below.

Dyscalculia Test For Adults


This short dyscalculia Test For Adults might help you - we’re not scientists but how you answer these questions will give you a good idea.


Result time - as you probably guessed, if you answered mostly YES in this Dyscalculia Test for Adults then you probably do have Dyscalculia. Now don’t panic and run for the hills (or hit the bottle) because you have learning issues, all the best people do: from Leonardo Di Vinci to Jennifer Aniston to Steven Spielberg, you are in good company. The most important thing to do now is to start changing your brain by making new brain pathways and scientists have discovered you can teach an old dog new tricks after all!

Thank you for taking the Dyscalculia test for adults but now what? Have a look at our resources and ideas on our site that will help you grow that brain.

If you feel that your life is being affected by maths anxiety, then book a chat with Marni.

We want to start a real conversation about Dyscalculia and maths anxiety so please join our facebook group here. https://www.facebook.com/groups/872514339991536

We hope this Dyscalculia Test for Adults was helpful and the start of your journey to find some solutions.